
Jim stepped in to help facilitate a deaf/hearing parent meeting for us. He was positive, flexible and immediately engaging with the very varied range of stakeholders. I am convinced that the highly positive feeling of the meeting and the valuable feedback and comments we gathered were secured through Jim’s approach in addition to his technical skill.
— Executive Head of Deaf School
Jim is a consummate professional who ensures that each person in the room is able to express themselves in the best way possible while facilitating communication between all parties smoothly. I would heartily recommend his services to those who may require them.
— Deaf researcher
Can you please feedback how good Jim is, he honestly makes each of my visits so easy.
— Social Worker
[I] had a very useful hour with Jim Cromwell, who was brilliant and opened my eyes to the importance of Sign Language for Deaf learners.
— Education Authority Head
Jim’s involvement with my children was brief/passing but nevertheless made a lasting difference.
— Parent of deaf children
Highly skilled interpretation.
— Deaf professional
- Student

- Student