Care Act (2014) Training

My sister is a really good trainer on social care, and particularly the Care Act 2014. She has a background in Deafness as a care home manager for the RNID and continues to be highly Deaf-aware. 

She has been delivering Care Act training since it became law, and has found that when Deaf people are being trained, the material and the training process is not as accessible as she would like. This is the case even with a Deaf-aware trainer and good, experienced interpreters with lots of preparation opportunity.

Alex MacNeil

Alex MacNeil

She and I are looking at running a Care Act training day for Deaf people, which will be created from the beginning with Deaf people and BSL in mind (rather than interpreting a hearing course.) At this stage we are just trying to find out if that is something that people want.

Please share this post with any Deaf social workers or other Deaf people you know who are interested in or work within the Care Act.

There is no obligation to take part or do anything - but if you can let us know your thoughts, if you think there are enough people interested to set this up, or if you have your own ideas about how to make the Care Act accessible, please let us know. Comment below, or email, or use the contact options here.

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